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Flea and Tick Medication in Newmarket

Protecting your pet is part of responsible pet ownership, and safeguarding them from parasites is essential. At The Veterinary Emergency, Urgent Care & Referral Clinic of York Region, we offer flea and tick medication to help your furry friend stay healthy. We love animals and are passionate about helping your dog or cat enjoy optimal health.

Our team cares about providing reliable treatments and services for parasite prevention in Newmarket and diagnosing and addressing any parasites present to renew your pet’s health. Whether you have an indoor or outdoor cat or dog our flea and tick medication can boost their health. Contact us today to learn more about our tick and flea treatments for dogs and cats.


Flea Prevention

Fleas can infest any pet, regardless of whether they're an indoor or outdoor pet, and can even bite people, too. Fleas are more than an irritation for pets. They transmit diseases and parasites that wreak havoc on your pet's body. The tiny parasites attack your pet by biting them to feed on their blood. The bites often itch, and some pets are allergic to flea bites, which leads to severe skin irritation. Fleas can be found on any animal, as well as in grass, wooded areas, and even in our homes.

Tick Prevention

Ticks are a nuisance that can cause serious health problems for your pet. These tiny insects are found throughout North America and often hide in tall grass or rural areas. Ticks are parasites that latch onto your pet, and their body enlarges as they feed on your pet’s blood. While the tick’s bite itself isn’t necessarily painful, the illnesses they can transmit are serious, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tick paralysis.

Since indoor and outdoor pets are at risk for exposure to ticks, it’s important to protect them with flea and tick medication. Our team will review your pet’s medical needs and provide helpful suggestions on medication options that are effective at safeguarding your pet from ticks and the diseases they carry.


Heartworm Prevention

Mosquitos are notorious for being a nuisance as well as being dangerous to pets. These insects transmit heartworm infection to dogs and cats, and the parasites can cause severe and fatal medical problems for your pet. Heartworm parasites destroy the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of pets. While some pets don’t show the symptoms of heartworm infection, it’s vital to maintain your dog or cat’s heartworm parasite prevention medication and bring them in for their yearly vet exams.

If you notice your dog coughing or showing signs of fatigue or difficulty breathing, then it’s best to call our office or bring your pet in for an exam. Cats infected with heartworm have less noticeable symptoms, but if they show signs of respiratory distress that present like asthma or bronchitis, they may have contracted the parasite. You can protect your cat or dog from heartworm by administering parasite prevention once a month. The medication also typically protects them from other parasites like roundworms, hookworms, and ear mites.

Tips for Parasite Prevention

Your pet holds a special place in your heart and home, and it’s natural to want to do your part to protect them from parasites. While our preventive medication can protect your pet from parasitic infection, there are steps you can take to protect them from the environments where ticks and fleas are found. Here are some helpful tips to protect your pet from the illnesses transmitted through fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes:

Avoid Tall Grass: Ticks and fleas live in brush and wooded areas. That’s why it’s best to keep your pet out of tall grass and heavily wooded areas. If you live in a rural area or your pet hikes or hunts with you, brush their coat and check for fleas and ticks when you return home.
Use Bug Traps: Fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks have a way of sneaking into your home, whether through an open window, on your shoes or clothes, or through a tear in the screen door. That’s why bug traps are a helpful way to protect your pet and yourself from annoying pests.
Avoid Standing Water: It’s no secret that mosquitoes often breed in standing water. That’s why it’s a good idea to avoid areas with standing water, whether you’re taking your pet for a walk or you live near an area with water runoff or poor drainage. Be sure to dump out any buckets, cups, or other vessels that might hold standing water, as even small amounts can become mosquito breeding grounds.

Parasite Prevention in Newmarket

You want your pet to enjoy a full and healthy life, free from the pain and disease caused by parasites. The Veterinary Emergency, Urgent Care & Referral Clinic of York Region offers the flea and tick medication your pet needs to prevent parasitic infection. Our team is committed to protecting your pet’s health, so we offer blood tests and fecal exams to determine if your dog or cat’s immune system has been compromised by parasites. Contact us today to learn how you can protect your pet with parasite prevention in Newmarket.